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Build Relationship Build Income

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
~Zig Ziglar

"In order for things to change, YOU must change." ~Jim Rohn

*Build Relationship and Build Income Faster.
*Modify your methods to serve and mentor other people.
*DESIGN THE LIFE you want and GET THERE FASTER through networking for others.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

For those still unconvinced about networking II

Some people network and simply give their connections away. I'm perfectly ok with that. Some people including me will sometimes create agreements that will enable them to receive [monetary!] value for their efforts. I'm perfectly ok with that, too. I hope you are ok with that as well because you could make an extra $20K or more over the next year if you learn how to network and create one page agreements.

As you hone your networking skills and your asking skills, you could make much more than $20K for your efforts. What I have discovered is that many people don't receive value for their efforts because they don't ask. Asking is a skill that can be learned and it's one of the skills we teach at Cannon Training & Development.

Let's say you know a manufacturer and someone who needs a product manufactured. When you can introduce the two parties and they do business, there is no reason why you couldn't get paid two cents on every widget that's produced - IF YOU ASK and create an agreement. That doesn't seem like much, but what if 50,000 widgets are manufactured each month? That would be $1,000 a month. In this example, 250,000 widgets a month would be $5,000 a month for you. For what? For getting to know the people well enough to actually care about what they want to achieve. For paying attention enough to [and ASKING] what they need. For connecting people who might not have met otherwise and/or saving them time or money in the process.

If you look on my profile on LinkedIn, and you look at the endorsements under Networking, you'll see that I helped David by recommending people I know for valuable positions in his startup company. Four years ago I did not know David. I met him less than two years ago. I met the attorney I recommended to him four and a half years ago. I got to know something about that attorney's reputation, but, in fairness, I really got to know more about him as a person. I recommended him to David and assumed that David could make an adult decision about whether he was right for the position.

You may not know an attorney with this specialty and neither did I five years ago, but as soon as I started networking, I started meeting more and more people. As I paid attention to not only what I was attempting to achieve, but what OTHER PEOPLE desired to achieve, I started noticing where possible connections could be of value. Is this work? It can be work, but I enjoy helping people achieve what they set out to achieve. Even if you don't enjoy that as much as I do, ask yourself if it would feel good to help other people do good and get paid for it. Just because you haven't done this before doesn't mean you can't start right now.

For one company, Lasershield, I'm looking for Regional Distributors. Lasershield is a "plug and go" alarm system that's easy for 99% of customers to install by themselves in about 20 minutes. I believe it's going to be huge because there are people who would like to get alarm systems who don't want someone coming into their home to sell it to them or to install it. Like single women. Lots of single women will buy this because they don't have to have a strange man in their home in order to purchase this or have it up and running. Renters will like it, too, because it's portable when they move and they don't have to sign a contract for monitoring service which is purchased month to month. In my opinion, this market is what Harvard Business Journal calls a blue ocean.

Lots of companies compete in the red ocean where many competitors are basically selling the same product or service. A blue ocean market is where the product or service is so different that they are "playing" in a niche that no other company serves. Right now traditional alarm companies aren't that interested in serving renters because they move before the company would break even. The other underserved niche of single women have mostly decided to simply not buy an alarm rather than experience what they perceive as discomfort with a strange installer or salesperson coming into their home. So Lasershield is all alone in these niches, these blue oceans.

How will I make money? I'm looking for Regional Distributors who will basically "train the trainers" and monitor an organization that they build. The "trainers" that they train will be what you might refer to as manufacturer's representatives who in turn will develop their own team of bonded people such as locksmiths, who already have a relationship with the potential client and can offer the alarm system as an add-on. How much do I think a Regional Distributor will make in the first year? If this person really works hard, probably $80-$120K. Many people might think that sounds great, but again, how do I make money? Because I introduced a gentleman named Bruce to the CEO, I already have a regional distributor building a team and generating revenue every month. I receive a little bit off of the sale of the products and a little bit from the monthly monitoring.

To me, that's pretty powerful networking. I had to PAY ATTENTION to the needs of the CEO of this company who I met about four and a half years ago. So, if you're willing to network with me, who do you know in the USA that might like to talk to me about being a regional distributor for Lasershield?

And, what do YOU need next MOST?

Build Relationship Build Income. DO IT. It works.


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