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Build Relationship Build Income

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
~Zig Ziglar

"In order for things to change, YOU must change." ~Jim Rohn

*Build Relationship and Build Income Faster.
*Modify your methods to serve and mentor other people.
*DESIGN THE LIFE you want and GET THERE FASTER through networking for others.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wow. August and the son in high school and college
It's hard to believe that I haven't posted for a week.  There's lots going on in our home with our son going to high school and college.  He'll be taking a Spanish class at the local community college while enrolled with the Independent Learning Program of Escondido Charter High School.  I'm driving him around and I can't wait for my headset to get here so I can use Skype on a regular basis.  So, look for more great business/career networking stuff in the coming days.  I'm just about finished with The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki and I highly recommend it.  [Are you there, Ricarda?]  I found out about it through Harvard Business Review.
I got a nice surprise when I Googled brbIncome - Zig Ziglar has added my blog to his site [or rather, his people have].  http://www.ziglartraining.com/links.php?lPath=1  I guess we'll know shortly if the link is hot or not.  I'm still figuring out Qumana.  Have an excellent day!
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At 11:51 PM, Blogger roclin said...

John, hope all is well with your" leagal jobs" search.
Maybe you can find looking for "careers" at www.directmatch4free.com
Just make sure you come back to this site to let us know how you are doing!


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