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Build Relationship Build Income

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
~Zig Ziglar

"In order for things to change, YOU must change." ~Jim Rohn

*Build Relationship and Build Income Faster.
*Modify your methods to serve and mentor other people.
*DESIGN THE LIFE you want and GET THERE FASTER through networking for others.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Nearly back

I'm amazed that it's been so long since I posted. Marianne's mom is nearly gone.
Sorry if I haven't kept my "journalistic objectivity" during this time. I just have to get back on the horse. I really appreciate the feedback that I've gotten in the past week.

I'm typing this from Palomar college's computer room. I find myself here now three days a week while my high school student son is in Spanish. Next semester we hope he'll be in Biology as well. Whether or not my computer implodes again, I'll be here!

I want to share a little more about what the experts call social networking.

In my opinion, the name social networking is misleading for some who put a lot of emphasis on the SOCIAL. The term is social networking as opposed to computer networking or network marketing. This is further confused by at least a couple factors.

First, many network marketers refer to themselves as networkers, which is misleading. They are more than happy to provide you with a solution to your challenge, dilemma, reaching your goals, etc...IF that solution is becoming involved in their business. Most network marketers are not really networkers. I see networkers as people who are able to refer you or introduce you to people who can be the solution for whatever challenge you're facing. I am an example of a networker. I used to know an mortgage banker who referred to himself as a "schmoozer" and I think that's fairly accurate IF you take away whatever negative connotations you might have about schmoozing.

I don't have a problem with the network marketing model, it's just that so many companies train their people to do it so badly and don't pay attention to the importance of RELATIONSHIP. [See title of this blog!] In my opinion, you don't send emails to people from an address that, if they respond to your email you are not available to answer. The exception would be they have volunteered for that email list without any type of coercion such as, "If you're part of my team, you agree to receive these emails. Leaving this email list constitutes leaving the team and/or business." Even voluntarily this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Second, because so many sites like Friendster and MySpace exist, many people assume that social networking is only about the social and sometimes you can find yourself perceived as rude or out of place if you want to converse about business.

LinkedIn, Soflow, and others are about business and career first. I believe that orientation will be more fruitful for people who are interested in advancing their career or business prospects.

Hey, IF you're really interested in the social at some particular moment in time, that's great. More and more people are finding people that they can have fun with and even marry online. Just be aware of what site you're at. The reverse is true, too. How many people on LinkedIn are really looking for someone to connect with them about dating and marriage?

I have recently found a minimally social site called NamesDatabase.com. Within one week I had over 100 people directly connected to me. Some people may see LinkedIn as too much work [how interested ARE they in success?] and yet they'll join a site like NamesDatabase.com, which is a much simpler version of what ClassMates.com is doing. The simplicity of NDB is what fuels it's growth. Tell your birthday and name and not much more and invite your friends and associates.

LinkedIn members will find that some NDB members will become receptive to LinkedIn in the weeks after joining NDB. LinkedIn is where you want your contacts.

I just forwarded a message from a recruiter I know to a man in Pennsylvania this week. Rather, I forwarded the message I received through the LinkedIn system to a man who forwarded it on to the Pennsylvanian. His reaction was "Wow! LinkedIn works."

If you're not on LinkedIn, get there and send me an invitation to connect. Maybe you'll be my 600th direct connection.

By the way, if you're not happy with my style, I'm learning and growing. Nevertheless, relationship matters. Feelings matter. That goes along with emotional intelligence and that matters more and more. EI even got some presidents elected. People matter. You and I matter.

Have a beautiful and successful day!

"If not now, when?"

Hillel (30B.C.-10A.D.)
Jewish scholar

~from justsell.com


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