What about the words we use? - I
What about the words we use?
"A sense of urgency"
I've been striving to move faster recently and encountered some resistance.
I remember sales training where we were encouraged to create "a sense of urgency". I believe some people can feel when you are "creating a sense of urgency" that isn't really there and they are put off by that.
What about when the need is really urgent? Are people usually truthful enough with themselves to actually deal with their life situation in way that will enable them to move to the next level and not drop back down?
When your life circumstances dictate that you take action soon [or now!], the necessity of taking action is real IF we want conditions to improve. Everyone has the option of being homeless or living in "considerably less than ideal" shelter.
I live in Southern California and wish that everyone who would like to live this way could. [Assuming that sustainability and other issues are addressed.] However, many people are living in less costly areas and still struggling.
Are you? Do you know someone who is?
Would you like to learn how to move to the next level and not return to financial struggle?
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