It's hard to believe that I haven't posted for a week. There's lots going on in our home with our son going to high school and college. He'll be taking a Spanish class at the local community college while enrolled with the Independent Learning Program of Escondido Charter High School. I'm driving him around and I can't wait for my headset to get here so I can use Skype on a regular basis. So, look for more great business/career networking stuff in the coming days. I'm just about finished with The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki and I highly recommend it. [Are you there, Ricarda?] I found out about it through Harvard Business Review.
I got a nice surprise when I Googled brbIncome - Zig Ziglar has added my blog to his site [or rather, his people have]. I guess we'll know shortly if the link is hot or not. I'm still figuring out Qumana. Have an excellent day!
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